Monday, July 22, 2019

Planet Eater - Self Titled (2012)

Not exactly punk, not quite hardcore, but Planet Eater had all the energy and force of them both in their live shows despite most likely being under the influence of a copious amount of marijuana. Stoner doom metal is tight as fuck, I don't care what you say, and this really is a prime example of just how heavy "heavy" can be at slower tempos with killer Sabbath inspired riffage. Had the honor of sharing the stage with them at a 518 Prints company barbecue in like 2010 maybe, and it was awesome seeing them even at the time, but I was a little ways away from finding my doom metal fandom that would give me new appreciation for these songs years later. It seems like the band didn't last long after doing this recording being that their last show was August 4th in 2012 and the bandcamp says this came out on the 2nd, but starting in 2008 they had a few good years and some good songs to back them. I know that most of, if not all of, these dudes have been involved in other musical projects but honestly I'm having a hard time digging any of that info up in my brain. Get in touch if you can fill me in.

  1. I Once Was a Deer (Once) / Legion of Smoke
  2. A Richman's Dreams
  3. Waiting to Exhale
  4. Colony of the Moon
  5. Necklace of Heads
  6. Snake Water Woman
  7. They Pile High on Mount Meru
  8. If Yer Balls are Small They Ain't Balls at All
  9. Reptile Mother

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